IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

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Not Enrolled
Rp. 7.000.000
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Designed to asses the language ability of candidates who needs to study or work where English is a language of communication. United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada & South Africa and large number of institutions in USA.

IELTS Format :

  1. Academic Training
  2. General Training

Academic Training   => Listening & Speaking and optional for Reading & Writing modules.

  • For  students wishing to enter an under graduate & postgraduate study programme.

General Training      =>  Listening and Speaking and optional for Reading & Writing modules.

  • For candidates planning to undertake non academic training or work experience or immigration purposes.


20 meetingst –>>>>> 1.5 hour a meeting 

(Private/Executive Class) Rp. 7.000.000,- 

Or  Rp. 7.000.000,-  (General /Max 6 Students).


Band  9

  • Expert User

Fully operational command of language. Appropriate, accurate and Fluent with complete understanding.

Band  8

  • Very Good User

Has fully oprational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic Inaccuracies, Inappropriacies and Misunderstanding may occur in unfamiliar situations. handles complex detailed argumentation well.

Band  7

  • Good User

Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misundestanding in some situations. Generally handle complex language well and understand detailed reasioning.

Band  6

  • Competent User

Has generally effective command of the language despite some Inaccuracies,  Inapproriacies and misuderstanding. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

Band  5

  • Modest User

Has partial command of the language, copying with overall  meaning in most situations. Though is likely to make many  mistakes, should be able to handle basic communication in own field.

Band  4 

  • Limited User

Basic competence is limited to familiar situation. Has frequent problems in  understanding expression.  Is not able to use complex language.

Band  3

  •  Extremely Limited User

Convey and understand only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.

Band  2

  • Intermittent User

No real communication is possible for the most basic information using  isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficultly in understanding spoken & written English.

Band  1

  • Non User

Essential has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.

Band  0

  • Did Not Attempt The Test

No assessable information provided.

Test: Total time in different way/day of testing

Listening, Reading & Writing in one day speaking in different time.

IELTS Exam Composition

  1. Listening = 30 minutes ( consists of 4 section x 10 question = 40 items.)
  2. Reading = 60 minutes ( consists of 40 questions / 3 texts (2000-2500 word).
  3. Different reading module for academic &  training, more number of text for General Reading.
  4. Writing = 60 minutes ( consists of 2 tastes writing an essay).
  5. Speaking =      Takes 11-14 minutes

3 Part of oral interview.

1 Introduction and interview.

2 Individual long trun.

3 Two why discussion.

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